Serenade of the Seas

Night-time at the pier in Ensenada

Serenade’s Launches

The Pool and Pool Bar

When the seas move, the water sloshes around in the pool.

This was around 6 a.m., so most people were still asleep.

On a different day, the sea was slightly rougher.

The chairs under deck 11 surround the pool but are shaded.

The SeaView cafe, up on deck 12, makes pretty good hamburgers and great milkshakes.

Here comes Michael!

Deck 12 facing aft.

Deck 12 facing forward.

The ladder down from SeaView (deck 12) to the Lido outside eating area (all the way aft on deck 11).
For some reason I am fascinated by the ship’s mast. I always end up taking pix of it, and staring at it when I'm in the the area.

The sad end to a lovely cruise