
State University of New York, College at Oswego

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology    May 21, 1977
My coursework

Naval Officer Candidate School, Newport RI.

Commissioned: May 1978 Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserves.

Professional Classwork

  • OSTI/DOE Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) course
  • Passage System SGML and HyTime course
  • Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group’s SGML class
  • Peter Sandman’s Effective Risk Communication (my notes)
  • Process Improvement
  • Semantic Data Modeling
  • Trainer’s Training and Advanced Trainer’s Training
  • Work Simplification
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Writing Policies, Procedures and Tasks
  • Time Management
  • Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives, and Deadlines
  • Basic Unix training
  • Basic Statistics (Columbia Basin College)
  • Entrepreneurial Success Network training

Example Documents

Boeing Seattle aerospace documents

Iceland Air Defense System (IADS) proposal
Department of Defense proposal by Boeing Military Air; (4 vols.)

I was one of four people out of a team of nearly 20 proposal development people on the proposal singled out for specific comment in a letter of commendation dated January 13, 1989, signed by Larry Buchart, IADS Proposal Manager and Robert McMahon, IADS Program Manager.

Boeing Electronic High Technology Center IR&D year-end reports

Summary reports for the government about Independent Research and Development work done by Boeing (1987, 1988, and 1989). Reports included sections on, for example, gallium arsenide (GaAs) computer chip fabrication, telecommunications research, power delivery, and microwave research.

Product Standards Data Systems Detailed Design Document

Boeing Commercial Air internal document, required by the FAA; (2,500 pgs). Document specifying the manufacturing and safety testing (and other) specifications for a class of airplanes Boeing builds.

Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting (REACT) proposal

Department of Defense proposal by Boeing Aerospace; (125 pages, 5 vols.). I was lead editor. This proposal was done in the Green River offices of the Missile Systems division of Boeing Military Air.

Fiber Optic Guided Missile proposal

Department of Defense proposal by Boeing Military Air, (3,500 pgs including secret and confidential sections). This proposal, which required a month and a half in Huntsville Alabama, was for a new class/type of missile system prepared for the Army Missile Systems Command. I was one of two editors with a Secret clearance on this proposal.

Upper Stage Responsiveness Research Study

NASA proposal by Boeing Aerospace; (75 pages, 3 vols.). I was lead editor. The Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) is a part of the Space Shuttle.

Boeing Richland
scientific and technical documents

  • Dynamic Effect of Sodium-Water Reaction in Fast Flux Test Facility Power Addition Sodium Pipes (10 pages, graphics, tables, equations), WHC-SA-0741-FP
  • Remediation Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for the 100-KR-1 Operable Unit Hanford Site Richland WA(360 pages, 40 tables), DOE-RL 90-20
  • Remediation Investigation Phase 2 Supplemental Work Plan for the Hanford Site 1100-EM-1 Operable Unit, DOE-RL-90-37
  • Interim Groundwater Monitoring Assessment Plan for the 216 B-3-Pond System, WHC-SD-EN-AP-030
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Feasibility Study/Corrective Measures Study Workplan for the 100-HR-1 Operable Unit, DOE-RL-88-35
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Feasibility Study/Corrective Measures Study Workplan for the 100-DR-1 Operable Unit, DOE-RL-89-09
  • Report on Alternative Replacement for Normal Paraffin Hydrocarbon as a Hydrostatic Balancing Fluid When Drilling Core Samples, (30 pages), WHC-SD-WM-ES-134
  • Summary Status on the Seismic Quality of Hanford Site Nuclear Waste Storage Tanks, WHC-EP-0373
  • Effect of Small Mammal Burrowing Activity on Water Infiltration, WHC-SA-0858-VA

Other Boeing Richland work

  • Boeing “Partnership with Education” program K-12 Resource Guide.
  • Co-Author/co-presenter of paper, “Power Lunch: Teaming to Train” (WHC-SA-1159-FP) presented at “T.C. Teams: The Fourth Annual Region 7 Society for Technical Communications Conference,” Calgary, Alberta, Canada 1991.
  • Newsletter chair for Columbia Basin Chapter of the American Society For Training and Development 1991 and 1992.
  • Redesigned WHC/Boeing Information Release Administration Program Guide book.