After Mark bought us delicious black-and-white milkshakes art the SeaView cafe, we headed further up to the mini-golf course.

Your championship golf players: Mark and Kathy, Mike, Richard and Shanna

Elenor (your photographer), Mark, Mike, and Richard

“Um, I think we go thatta way.”

“Yeah, that's the way to go.”

“Wait! Lemme get out of the way!”

Mike checks Shanna’s tee off.

Much milling around.

Short putt. Will he do it?

“Oh. Not that far.”

“Okay, let’s do that again.”

Kathy tees off.

Well done.

Mike sets himself up.

A moment of planning.

Address the ball.

The gallery watches closely.

Follow the ball into the wind.

Mark prepares to tee off.

A moment of planning.

Almost everybody’s first putt ended up in the “rough.”

Shanna tries to hit her ball out of the rough.

“Well, come on ball, ROLL!”

Richard watches his roll.

“Good work, honey.”

The gallery watching the play in the rough.

“I hope I can get mine out of the rough too!”

“I did.”

“Now, I have to try.”

“You can do it, honey.”

It’s an obstacle course!

Your photographer, who stayed well out of the sun and took pix.

Strategy session.

Another strategy session.

Watching the play.

“Roll ball, roll!”

“Wow. It's really rolling!”

Okay, on to the next hole.

Mark putts.

Kathy putts.

Mike watches his putt.

Kathy putts again.

Watching and waiting.

“Hey! Good putt!”

“Come on, Richard!”

It takes a bit of thought.

“I wonder if anyone hits the ball over the edge.”

Kathy addresses the ball.

“This is fun!”

“Okay, where to next?”

“My turn?”

“Let me get out of the way!”

Awaiting his turn.

Figuring out his shot.

“Go, ball, go!”

“Hey, looks like giving orders to the ball helps!”

Watching Richard tee up.

“Hit it good, Richard!”

Mark works the obstacle course.

Never mind Richard, staring at it won't help.

“Let me try staring at the hole instead.”

The gallery doesn’t think that will work.

“But try it anyway.”

Richard looks for his ball.

Mike lines things up.

Wifely support when Mark’s in the rough. (Those white patches are the rough.)

Kathy putts.