Ah, the old days – my sister drove us over ot the ship, and since it was several hours before she sailed,
they let us take my sister Meredith onboard and tour her around the ship.
- Cruise home page
- Crystal Harmony
- San Francisco, CA
- Victoria and Vancouver, Canada
- Elenor and Michael Ray
Cruise report
Date | What we did |
8 May, Fri | Fly out of Atlanta to LA and stay with Meredith and Mark and Keith. |
10 May, Sun | Embark on ship and sail out around 8 p.m. |
11 May, Mon | Sailing up the CA coast. |
12 May, Tues | A day in San Francisco: saw Master George (Xu), my once-upon-a-time tai chi teacher. |
13 May, Wed | Sailing up the California and Oregon coast. |
14 May, Thu | Sailing up the Oregon and Washington coast. |
15 May, Fri | We were scheduled to sail into Seattle for a day. However, they changed the itinerary and instead of sailing all the way down Puget Sound to Seattle as scheduled, we pulled into Victoria, B.C. for the day of the 15th. We saw downtown Victoria (very pretty) and Butchart Gardens (very beautiful) and rode around the bottom of Vancouver island back to the ship. |
16 May, Sat | We sailed into Vancouver around 6 a.m. the next morning, and disembarked. We had to be out of our stateroom by 8:00 a.m. so they could make it up for the next set of passengers (the ship was continuing on to Alaska). We were bused to Vancouver Airport and flew from Vancouver to SeaTac, arriving at 12:19 p.m. We rented a car, met Brad and Bart for lunch at Bellevue Mall and then drove to Richland (4 hours to eastern WA). Met Candy for dinner. |
17 May, Sun | Day in Richland: got to see a bunch of friends for breakfast (8:30 to 10:50 and then a bunch more from 11 to 3 at Red Robin). Drove back over to Gig Harbor Sunday evening and stayed at moms. |
18 May, Mon | We drove to SeaTac turned in car, flew to Vancouver (flight at 10:50 a.m.). Then we caught our flight out of Vancouver (2:30 p.m.) to Denver, and then to Atlanta (arriving 11:19 p.m.) |

The Crystal Harmony, from a Crystal Cruises postcard.