2011 Trip to L.A.
Overnight in Palm Desert
17–29 March
Overnight trip to Roy and Barney’s
I didn’t manage to get a photo of Barney this time. He was off coaching baseball, and then helping with a neighbor’s yard sale. But we did manage to have a lovely dinner with him.
Oscar, out by the pool
Roy was happy – and I was happier! – to send us home with a car-trunkful of citrus!
At mom’s, I did aggravate my wrist turning all these into juice with a manual juicer!
But O!M!G!! the most unbelievably fantastically delicious sweet juice!
Meredith gets a break!
Keith playing a game before breakfast.
Will you quit with the damned camera!?
Breakfast before the drive back to L.A.
Had an amazing storm on the drive back
Mere’s house
Usually, this culvert is mostly bare-cement-bottomed, with a bare trickle
running through the lowest part. The walls about about 15 feet (?) high.
This is how it usually looks!
El and Jean checking out the culvert the day after the storm
What a superb little camera! The Canon Powershot SX10 IS
The morning after the big storm, the water had dropped several feet.
But it was still about two feet higher than usual!
Coming Home
We had a Boeing 777 on the way home, business class, but somehow between when we arrived and
when we flew home, they changed our seats from our chosen window seats to seats with walls around,
so absolutely NO view whatsoever. Sucky. Still I did get to see “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”
without waiting for it to come out on DVD! (Oh, those are my Able Planet noise-cancelling headphones.
Superb! And about $150 cheaper than Bose! Plugged into my Sansa Clip, which, you know, clips on!)
Poor old Lexus sat for 10 days in the covered parking – so you can see why allergies are so bad down here!
Not dust – POLLEN!
California wind farms