(Except as noted, all photos were taken by Elenor.)

The Crystal Symphonys maiden voyage was in May 1995. She cost $250 million to build and has a guest capacity of 960 people and a crew of 530. She is 778 feet long, 99 feet wide, and draws 24.9 feet. Her top speed is 23 knots (nautical miles per hour) and her cruising speed is 22 knots.

(Crystal Cruises postcard)
The main atrium, the two-story lounge, which has the reception desk, the entry to the
main dining room, and the stairs (shown below) up to the casino, theaters, and stores.

The stairs up to the second level of the atrium

The atrium

(Crystal Cruises Postcard)
Our stateroom (with a sliding glass door onto our own private little balcony)

(Crystal Cruises Postcard)
The Seahorse Pool, up on the Lido deck.

The Crystal Symphony and Crystal Harmony passed in Lake Gatun in the Panama Canal. Both ‘dressed ship’ (flew signal flags all over the ship) and all the passengers lined the rails to wave and watch!

The ship from the fort at Acapulco

View aft from our stateroom (as we approached Mykonos).

The Promenade Deck

The Harmony in Vancouver

(Crystal Cruises postcard)
The Harmony and Symphony pass each other in the Panana Canal

(Crystal Cruises postcard)

(Crystal Cruises postcard)